Saturday, July 20, 2013

So my jerkface friend Will gets to go to Comic-Con every year, as I'm stuck at home drooling at the sneak previews. This year it prompted me to do:


5) Admiral Ackbar Mini Bust

It's a bust! Based off the art of Steven Daily, "Magnitude" depecits everybody's favorite tentacled admiral as, well, an actual admiral. I really want this for his magnificent stash, and I guess it's nice it comes with a solid wooden case. Seriously though, look at that mustache. Be jealous Tom Selleck. 

4) Super Best Friends Forever
These super adorable statues remind me of my younger years watching Teen Titans in my Under-Roos. DC has an online store with more Super Best Friend goodies, but SDCC is the only place to nab these three. Points for making Batgirl look like she's doing a dance move from Thriller. 

3) Wiz Kids Hero Clix Exclusives 

Yup, that's a Hero Clix immortalizing the kiss Supes and Wonder Woman shared in the new iteration  of Justice League. I just got into Heroclix, so  I have no idea if the this hero is going to blowing up nerds at local tournaments, but the sculpt is worth the money alone. Wiz Kids also is peddling Shuma Gorath, a team base featuring the Trinity of Sin, and a very impressive sculpt of the Serpent from Marvel's Fear Itself storyline. 

2) Dragon Ball Z Scouter

If this doesn't make your inner nerd squeal, I don't know what will. The scouter comes in three colors and plays sounds from the show. Where was this when I was kid?! I had to fashion mine out of tin foil and rubber bands. I was the coolest kid in the trash can. I can just all the nerds buying two of these, just so they can crush one in a blind rage

1) Transformable Plushy Zergling/Baneling

There it is. Quite possible the most adorable killing machine I've ever seen. The plushy folds into itself to mimic the transformation into the acid filled balls of death. Sadly with only 2,000 in stock, Blizzard is making these stuffed balls raffle prizes. I'll just have to settle with massing banelings in my matches of Starcraft 2.

Well there you have it folks. My top 5 list of things my jerkface friend Will should bring back as gifts from Comic Con. Now I'm off to spam his inbox with "I hate you" messages. 

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